Canvas for social Impact & Environment

Canvas for social Impact & Environment

The Social Economy Canvas is a visual sense making framework inspired by design and by complex-adaptive systems theory developed by the European Commission. It intends to provide policymakers with an ongoing, bottom-up, macro-assessment of social economy in Europe while supporting practitioners’ development of new ideas for a regenerative economy at micro-level.

We tested the prototype of the Canvas for the European Commission with over 70 organizations from all over Germany and Austria. To do so, we conducted a series of interactive hybrid workshops to guide participants through the tool. We collected their feedback in pre- and post-surveys and through qualitative feedback. Our final report and recommendations helped the European Commission to optimize this Canvas for practical use.


19 September 2023


Canvas for social Impact & Environment



We want to promote social and ecological innovations to enable solutions for the most urgent challenges of our world. By providing an ecosystem, knowledge is to be created, communicated and exchanged.

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